Manuka honey is used on it’s own or made into different creams, masks and even eye drops.
Here Is How You Can Put Manuka Honey On Your Eyelids:
Manuka honey is used for different purposes on the Eyelids that include:
Eyelid Dermatitis or Dry Skin Around The Eye: You can use either Manuka honey on it’s own for 5-10 minutes or within a Manuka honey Cream (which you can use all day).
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (Dry Eyes): Manuka eye drops are suitable for dry eyes.
Throughout this article we are going to discuss how you can use Manuka honey on your eyelids and on eyelid dermatitis, under eye circles, and the best way to apply Manuka honey.
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Is Manuka Honey Good For Eyelid Dermatitis?
Manuka honey is a great product that you can use for dry eyes condition and blepharitis. This product is also helpful for eyelid dermatitis.
Usually, you will develop eyelid dermatitis when the folds of skin found above and below your eyes are contaminated with some allergen or irritant substances.
When you are affected with eyelid dermatitis, treatment involves using a suitable moisturizer. Manuka honey has moisturizing properties, which can help you relieve the dryness and itching nature of this condition.
Please see our Kreme Plus Manuka Cream that is listed in our shop, it is a cream that can be used on the eyelids.
Research conducted by a leading scientist indicates that Manuka honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, crucial for treating eczema and dermatitis.
You can restore the dryness caused by eczema and dermatitis. Manuka honey is also a natural humectant. Therefore, it can pull moisture found under your skin layer and keep it on the surface.
Manuka honey also has outstanding healing properties to help restore dermatitis. This is why many hospitals are adopting this product to help them in wound dressings and burns.
When your eyelids come into contact with irritating substances that will affect the thin layer of your skin, the antibacterial properties found in Manuka honey will help ensure that the affected delicate parts under your eyelids are restored.
If you have not used Manuka honey/cream before, it is always advisable to do a patch test on your skin, leave on for 5 minutes. If you feel any irritation wash away with water and discontinue use.

Can I Put Manuka Honey On My Eyelids?
Yes, you can. When you suffer from Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), a chronic problem affecting your regular eye operation, you are likely to develop dry eyes. This condition will affect your Meibomian glands and prevent them from producing enough oil from tears. Therefore, your eye’s tear layers will begin to evaporate rapidly.
When this chronic condition affects your eyes, it will affect your eye’s ability to perform specific tasks that you used to perform well daily such as looking at your computer or reading for extended periods. It will need proper medical care to restore your eye’s tear layer and give your eyes decent eye hygiene.
A natural remedy to help restore your eyes tear approved is Optimel Manuka+Dry Eye Drop. It contains active Manuka honey that has been developed from Leptospermum sp.
Research conducted on Manuka honey indicates that this prescription of eye drops can treat a wide range of eye conditions, such as dry eye relief. When you have such a condition and use Manuka honey, it will reduce bacteria manifestation and inflammation. It will further and lower Ph. As a result, your eye’s surface will be stabilized.
When you have developed dry eyes after undergoing cataract surgery, which may temper your visual quality and affect your sight comfort, you can use Optimel eye drops containing active Manuka honey.
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Kreme Plus 150gm$37.00
Can You Leave Manuka Honey Under Your Eyes Overnight?
Manuka honey can be a great mask to apply directly under the eyes, but it may become a bit sticky overnight, so best to apply for 5-20 minutes and then wash off. It is much better if you use a Manuka honey cream overnight.
We make a natural Manuka cream called Kreme Plus and this is available in our shop.

Will Manuka Honey Help With Under-Eye Circles?
Yes, Manuka honey is a great alternative for dark circles developing under your eyes. Usually, dark circles under the eyes may become a bane for women and affect even men.
You can develop under the eye circles because of different reasons such as lack of sleep, hormonal changes, or when going through a stressful lifestyle. When you neglect them, they will end up becoming permanent.
When you develop dark circles, Manuka honey is the perfect solution to help you get rid of them because it is a powerhouse for anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, and antibacterial properties. You can also safely apply this sweet product to your tender skin area (below the eyes).
The antibacterial properties found in Manuka honey set it apart from other honey products on the market. It contains Methylglyoxal, which helps create microbial infection and form protective barriers under your skin.
Manuka honey can also boost collagen production. When you begin to age and develop dark circles, it has been known in studies to help get rid of them and give a youthful appearance.
Studies have shown that Manuka honey has anti-inflammatory properties, which will help in wound healing faster and aid in tissue regeneration. As a result, developing dark circles will help soothe and relax the affected eye area.
Kreme Plus 50gm$22.00
Kreme Plus 150gm$37.00
How To Use Manuka Honey On Eyelids?
(I)To refresh your tired eyes: When you feel exhausted after sitting in front of your computer for long periods. Suppose you want to relieve your eyes from strains and exhaustion. You can apply Manuka honey or Manuka honey cream over your closed eyelids. After, rest and relax while playing some relaxing music in the background for about half an hour. When you wash off the honey using warm or cold water, your eyes will become refreshed again. If you are using the Manuka cream you don’t need to wash it off.
(III Eye wrinkles: You will start to develop wrinkles on your eyelids when you age. This can be a scary experience for anyone. Thanks to the Manuka honey product, you can use the honey as a mask or within the cream to help with wrinkles above or under the eyes.
(IV)Use to treat sore eyes: When you start developing sore eyes, your eyelid will also suffer because you will be rubbing them. An eye infection may cause sore eyes. The good news is that you can sort this problem regularly by consuming Manuka honey products.
(V) Eye Ailments: Fresh Manuka honey and Manuka honey cream can be a great product for corneal ulcers causing inflammatory on your eyelids, blepharoconjunctivitis, and ulcerative blepharitis because of the antibacterial properties that these products contain.
(VII) Dry Eyes: Optimel Manuka Eye drops are used for dry eyes. The eye drops help reduce inflammation in the eye and also the bacteria build up in the eye.