What Is Adult Cradle Cap? (Quick Answer)

When you think of cradle cap you generally think of babies and toddlers only, but this is not the case! Adults do get cradle cap and this is actually very common around the world.

Here Is What Adult Cradle Cap Is:

Cradle cap is common among adults as well as babies. It is called Seborrheic Eczema and causes flaky, yellow, and red scaly patches on top of the head.

The cause of cradle cap in adults is not exactly known but it is said that can be hereditary and also stress and hormones can be a factor. It also can be the over production of oil over the scalp.

Within this article we are going to speak further about cradle cap in adults, the causes, whether it affects hair loss, and some solutions for you. Have a great day.

What Is Adult Cradle Cap?

You may have already heard about the term “cradle cap”. But this is not something that babies can only get. It is even common among the adults. It is actually a skin condition that can cause flaky, yellow and skaly patches on the head.

Cradle cap in adults is also known for white scaly patches with dandruff and redness on the scalp. This can also have an effect on your face, back and upper chest. Besides that, it can also occur on the sides and bridges of your nose, eyebrows and the crease of your lip and nose.

Cradle cap is not a serious condition but it is a long-term condition that needs a constant and long treatment to get completely cured. Cradle cap mainly develops in the skin areas that are oilier in nature.

Here are some common symptoms of cradle cap in adults which can help you to identify the issue. Some of the symptoms are:

• You will have oily and greasy skin
• You will face hair loss in the affected areas
• The affected areas can turn itchy and red
• You can notice yellow or white scale-like patches on your scalp

All these symptoms can be a sign that you have the condition. Read on to know more about what the causes are and how you can treat this condition in the best way possible.

The Main Causes Of Cradle Cap In Adults?

The exact causes behind the cradle cap in adults is unknown. There can be different causes such as heredity, hormones, stress and many more. Mostly, it is believed that the cause of cradle cap in adults is the overproduction of oil in the hair follicles and skin.

Many people believe that the main cause behind the cradle cap is poor hygiene. But that is not true. It is caused due to a fungus named ‘Malassezia’. This is a fungus which may play a vital role and it is found naturally in the oil of your skin.

But sometimes, this fungus can abnormally grow which can lead to some inflammatory response. This inflammation can disrupt the normal functioning of the outermost skin layer and it can lead to causing scales or flakes on your skin.

You cannot specifically point out one or two causes behind the condition of cradle cap. There are many causes behind the adult cradle cap. These are:

• Common skin issues like acne
• Too much of stress or fatigue
• Gaining of weight or obesity
• Using skincare products containing alcohol
• Different environmental factors like pollution
• Some of the medical conditions such as epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease or HIV etc.
• Extreme weather conditions
• Activity of the oil gland
• Drinking too much of alcohol

As the cradle cap is actually a fungal infection, it can get worse with humidity and other factors. Hence, it is important to consult with the doctor as soon as your notice any signs or symptoms. The doctors can assess the problem thoroughly and diagnose the main issue.

Can Cradle Cap In Adults Cause Hair Loss?

Yes, the cradle cap in adults can result into hair loss. But the amount of hair loss depends from one person to another and also on the severity of the condition.

Generally, the cradle cap doesn’t cause hair loss. But due to excessive itchiness, people start scratching the scalp vigorously. This can result in injuring your hair follicle and you may lose some hair in this process.

As discussed above, the cradle cap or Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition that can cause red patches along with greasy, flaky and red skin. It is quite common to have extreme itchiness in this condition. As this condition mainly affects your scalp, dandruff is one of the most common results.

Due to the cradle cap, a thick sebum is often overproduced in the scalp. This oil secretion can cause different problems in your scalp. The itchiness and dandruff are the two major reasons behind the hair loss.

But if you start the treatment early, then it can reduce the itchiness and dandruff. This can help you to slow down or stop the hair loss faster.

Does Adult Cradle Cap Have Dandruff?

The cradle cap in adults is caused in the scalp. This can cause white and yellow scaly patches on the scalp. The skin tends to flake off which is affected by this fungal infection. This flaking off dead skins is commonly called – dandruff.

Another name of cradle cap in adult is dandruff. This is fungal problem which is caused when too much of oil or sebum is produced in your hair scalp.

Dandruff can be aggravating and can often be an embarrassing scalp condition. But it is quite common in people where some people get mild dandruff problem and some get severe problems. It is noticeable when you wear some dark-coloured clothes or you have a dark-coloured hair.

But the good news is that dandruff is not a serious issue. It doesn’t have any long term affect or side effects either. You can treat the dandruff easily using shampoo/cream or medications.

Best Cradle Cap In Adults Natural Treatment

If you are facing the cradle cap issue, then there are many medicines and treatments for it. However, it is better to treat the condition naturally if you can.

Yes, there are some amazing natural remedies that can help you with adult cradle cap. Before you reach out for medical treatments, it is better to try some of the best natural alternatives.

Here are some of the best natural treatments for the cradle cap in adults:

Coconut Oil: This is one of the best natural treatments for treating the cradle cap condition. Coconut oil has antifungal as well as antimicrobial properties in it. You can apply coconut oil mask on your scalp. Apply the mask all over your scalp once you shampoo your hair. You have to leave the coconut oil on your scalp for few hours before you wash it off again.

If you want to use a cream with Coconut oil in it, we make a cream called Baby care gold that contains: Coconut oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Manuka, Leatherwood, Aloe vera and Zinc oxide. This cream can be left on your scalp and you don’t need to wash off with water.

Make sure to repeat this step at least twice in a week. This can give you a miraculous result. It is also easily available at the store. Make sure to buy extra virgin coconut oil to get the best result.

Apple cider vinegar: The next natural treatment that you can try if you are facing the adult cradle cap issue is apple cider vinegar or ACV. The apple cider vinegar contains an acid named malic acid in it. This acid can help in shedding off the excess skin cells from your scalp. Besides this, the acetic acid can work potentially and effectively against the bacteria or yeasts that are responsible for causing dandruff.

You have to mix one apple cider vinegar and water in equal portion. Apply the mixture on your scalp then leave it on for some hours. Then wash or rinse your hair to clean it thoroughly.

Raw Manuka honey: The next natural ingredient that can be used as a great treatment of the dandruff is raw honey. Honey is moisturizing to the skin and it is also antimicrobial in nature. You have to use the honey in the raw form i.e. which is not yet processed. Raw manuka honey is packed with the goodness of vitamins and minerals along with powerful enzymes and protein. This can help in making your scalp healthy as well as it can sooth your scalp.

You have to combine 2 tablespoon of raw honey with three-fourth cup of water. Make sure to stir it well to dissolve the honey. Now, use this mixture for rinsing your hair. You can even use your fingers for massaging the mixture all over your scalp.

Manuka Honey Cream: Mr Bees Manuka makes 2 different creams, one called Baby Care Gold, and also Kreme Plus. Both creams can be used on the scalp. Please see our shop for more details.

When trying anything new on your skin, we recommend you do a patch test first before using (e.g Manka honey/Apple Cider Vinegar/Coconut oil/Manuka Honey Cream. Try a small amount and leave for 5 minutes, if you find any irritation at all, wash off with water and discontinue usage.

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