Manuka Honey And Dermatitis: Will It Work? (All Revealed)

Dermatitis affects millions of people and the most common places it arises is on the hands, feet and wrist. It is a extremely frustrating condition because of it’s itchiness and dryness over the skin.

Here Is Why Manuka Honey Is A Good Solution For Dermatitis:

As Manuka honey is a 100% natural substance, it is able to be used by itself, in a mask or within a cream. Manuka honey is anti-inflammatory, and because of this, it has helped many people who have itchy or red patches on the skin, and this includes dermatitis.

We have put together all of the questions people have asked us about dermatitis and put this article together.

We will be discussing what exactly is dermatitis, whether Manuka is good for this condition, and how to apply the honey over the skin.

What Exactly Is Dermatitis?

Dermatitis is a general term used to describe a skin condition that causes irritation.

Most often, this irritation includes redness, dryness, and an itching sensation caused by a skin rash. You’ll be able to tell instantly if you have dermatitis judged by the color, texture, and sensation of your skin.

Dermatitis typically appears in patches on a certain part of the body, but it can turn up anywhere at all on the skin.

The most common areas affected by dermatitis are the arms, hands, feet, wrists, and the backs of the knees, though don’t be surprised if you find a patch of dermatitis elsewhere.

Mild dermatitis will just cause skin to become red and dry, but a stronger case can lead to bits of skin cracking and flaking off, or even the formation of sore blisters.

This skin condition isn’t transmittable, so you won’t catch dermatitis from someone else or pass it on further.

One of the three types of dermatitis occurs due to contact with things that irritate the skin, such as harsh soaps, perfumes, jewellery products, or even too much water. This type is called “contact dermatitis”.

The other two types of dermatitis are called “atopic dermatitis” and “seborrheic dermatitis”. Atopic dermatitis can also be caused by contact with irritating products, but infection or sweating can also trigger it.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a lot less broad because it is caused by the immune system overreacting to the growth of Malassezia yeast, which exists in the oil secretion on the skin’s surface.

Is Manuka Honey Good For Dermatitis?

Manuka honey is a good product to use on irritated, tender skin because it is very gentle and contains only 100% natural ingredients.

It is an anti-inflammatory product, which means that it is an excellent combatant against the redness and itchiness caused by dermatitis.

Applying just a thin coat of Manuka honey to an irritated area should help to cool it down and sooth the source of the problem.

(If you are trying Manuka Honey for the first time please do a patch test for five minutes, if you have any reaction do not use and seek a medical doctor ).

Manuka honey is also humectant, which means that it helps to draw moisture to the skin and then seal it in with a protective barrier to keep the area soft and smooth.

If dryness and skin peeling are some of your biggest issues due to dermatitis then Manuka honey is a great moisturizer to use, especially since it does not contain any harsh, artificial ingredients that might make your dermatitis worse.

Consistent application of Manuka honey to dry and flaking skin will help to target the problem at its base and have your skin healing over even smoother than before.

Some people also believe that Manuka honey is a good agent for aiding the tissue-healing process.

Manuka honey also contains 1000 times more Methylglyoxal than regular honey, and Methylglyoxal is great for fighting bacteria and promoting skin healing.

Though it should not be used as a remedy for skin irritation that requires medical attention, Manuka honey will help to sooth your dermatitis and allow it to heal itself naturally.

Is Manuka Honey Good For Atopic Dermatitis?

If you are looking for a honey to treat atopic dermatitis, a medical-grade honey, like Manuka honey, is always best because it helps to heal the skin as well as just make it look and feel temporarily better.

In fact, if you consistently apply Manuka honey to the areas of your skin affected by atopic dermatitis, you will find them less and less affected as time goes on.

Atopic dermatitis (also known as eczema) is very common because so many things in everyday life can trigger it, but having a handy product close by to use every time your skin flares up will help a lot.

If you are trying Manuka for the first time, it is recommended to do a small test patch to see if the honey agrees with you. Try this on your skin for a couple of minutes, if you have any reaction wash off with warm water, and seek a doctors advice.

Atopic dermatitis can also cause skin lesions to appear, which can be very painful and uncomfortable.

Manuka honey is believed to help with these because it is an anti-bacterial and anti-microbial product that is good for keeping irritated areas clean and free of anything harmful.

It works to cleanse the area and reduce redness at the same time, so you should notice a remarkable difference to the appearance and feeling of atopic dermatitis after using Manuka honey a few times.

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