Is Manuka Honey Good For Nail Fungus? (All Answers Revealed)

Manuka honey has been used for generations in Australia and New Zealand to eat and also used for wound healing and skin complaints. It has not become extremely popular around the world for it’s antiseptic and antifungal qualities.

Here Is Why Manuka Honey Is Good For Nail Fungus:

Studies have found that Manuka honey is beneficial for nail fungus due to it’s antifungal properties within the honey. Manuka honey destroys the cells of the fungus. It can be used within a cream, Manuka honey on it’s own or Manuka oil.

In this article we are going to talk about Manuka honey for nail fungus, how you can use it, how long it will take to work, and other factors you can try too. Thanks for reading!

Is Manuka Honey Good For Nail Fungus?

There’s no definitive answer to this question but there has been studies that have shown Manuka Honey/Manuka Oil to be effective for nail fungus.

Also there are a lot of customer testimonials that believe that Manuka honey is beneficial for them for treating nail fungus because of its anti-fungal properties.

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is caused by fungi that grow beneath the nails. It usually affects the toenails since they are frequently exposed to warm and moist conditions. The disease is characterized by the thickening and yellowing of nails and may result in deformed nails.

The nail fungus infection generally starts from small cracks in the skin around the nails. As the infection progresses, it can spread to other parts of the nail and even to the surrounding skin. If left untreated, the infection may eventually lead to nail loss.

Manuka honey is used for the treatment of nail fungus for the following reasons:

-The honey has anti-fungal properties that can help to kill the fungi that cause nail fungus.

-It is a natural product, so it is less likely to cause any side effects.

-Honey is also known for its healing properties, which may help to speed up the healing process of the nails.

-Some people believe that Manuka honey may stimulate the immune system, which can, in turn, fight off fungi and other infections.

Manuka honey comes from bees that feed on the nectar of manuka trees in Australia and New Zealand.

The beneficial wound healing properties of honey have been known for a long time all around the world, but the unique activity of the Manuka honey has been discovered and become more popular in the past 10 years.

How Do You Use Manuka Honey For Toenail Fungus?

You can use Manuka honey in several forms

Manuka Honey in Cream Form:

If you have a case of nail fungus, you may want to try using a cream that contains Manuka honey. The cream can be applied directly to the nails and the surrounding skin.

Manuka Honey in Oil Form:

If you have a more severe case of nail fungus, you may want to try using an oil that contains Manuka honey. The oil can be applied directly to the nails and the surrounding skin.

Manuka Honey in Soak Form:

You can also soak your nails in a bowl of water that has been mixed with Manuka honey.

Manuka Honey in Paste Form:

You can also make a paste out of Manuka honey and apply it directly to the nails.

Does Manuka Honey Get Rid of Fungus?

Manuka honey gets rid of the fungus by destroying the cells of the fungus. The honey also seals the wound so that the fungus can’t get in.

It is important to note that Manuka honey has not been approved by the FDA as a treatment for nail fungus. So, if you are considering using this honey remedy, it is important to speak with your doctor first.

Your doctor may recommend using a prescription-strength anti-fungal medication if your case of nail fungus is severe.

Can Eating Manuka Honey Help With Nail Fungus?

No, eating Manuka honey will not cure nail fungus because the honey is not applied directly to the nails. However, eating Manuka honey may help to boost your immune system and may make you less susceptible to fungus and other infections.

When your immune system is strong, your body is better able to fight off foreign invaders like fungus and other infections. So even if eating Manuka honey doesn’t cure your nail fungus, it may still help to improve your overall health.

Precautions When Using Manuka Honey For Nail Fungus

Manuka honey is generally considered safe, but you should still take the following precautions when using it for nail fungus:

-People with diabetes or a compromised immune system should speak to their doctor before using Manuka honey.

-If you are allergic to honey, you should not use Manuka honey for nail fungus.

-Manuka honey can occasionally cause skin irritation, so it is important to test a small amount of the honey on a patch of skin before using it.

-Babies under the age of 2 years old should not consume/eat any raw honey

How Long Does it Take For Manuka Honey to Work?

Manuka honey typically works more quickly than prescription medications, but it may take several weeks to months of treatment before you see any results.

You should continue using the honey for at least two months after symptoms disappear in order to prevent the fungus from returning.

There Are Several Factors That Determines How Well Manuka Honey Will Work For Nail Fungus:

The severity of the infection- The more severe the infection, the better the results will be.

You have tried before– If you have used Manuka honey for nail fungus in the past and it worked, then you will likely see similar results again.

Your current health- The healthier that you are overall, the better your body will respond to treatment with Manuka honey.

How often you use the honey- The more frequently that you apply Manuka honey to your nails, the better the results will be.

What Other Things Can I Do To Help Nail Fungus?

Keep Your Nails Clean and Trimmed:

Keeping your nails clean and trimmed can help to prevent nail fungus from developing in the first place.

Apply a Nail Polish That Contains Tea Tree Oil:

Look for a nail polish that contains tea tree oil. Many brands of nail polish contain tea tree oil, which can be beneficial for your nails.

Take Steps to Boost Your Immune System:

There are things that you can do to boost your immune system when you have nail fungus. You could stay hydrated with water, workout, eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients, get plenty of rest each night, and avoid smoking or drinking alcohol.

Treat By Soaking Your Feet in Water Mixed With Baking Soda:

Adding baking soda to warm water can help to kill fungus on your feet. Soak your feet in this mixture for 15-30 minutes, two or three times a day. You should also dry your feet thoroughly after soaking them.

Taking regular baths may also help to reduce the risk of getting nail fungus in the first place.

Soaking your feet regularly may also be an effective treatment for nail fungus. Baking soda is added to the water to help kill the fungus on your feet.

The length of time you soak your feet, as well as the number of times you do it each day will depend on how bad your condition is and how long you have had it.

Manuka honey is a natural treatment for nail fungus. It is believed to treat the infection more quickly than prescription medications, and it may also help to improve your overall health. However, before using Manuka honey for nail fungus, you should speak to your doctor to make sure that it is the right treatment for you.

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