Is Honey Good For Your Lips? (7 Awesome Facts)

Honey has been used for centuries all over the body for different purposes including wound healing, mosturising and for skin conditions, with wonderful results!

Here Is Why Honey Is Good For Your Lips:

Honey is a excellent substance to be used as a mask by itself or within a lip balm.

It is great for:

Making your lips pinker in colour, hydrating and has great moisturising properties.

There is no other natural substance that can compare to honey in skincare products for it’s great antibacterial properties.

This is the short answer!

Keep reading this article if you want to know the answers to your questions concerning honey, dry lips and how to apply or leave overnight.

Is Honey Good For Your Lips?

We all know that honey tastes divine, but it is also a great product to use on your lips. Honey is used in lots of different skincare products because it has excellent moisturizing properties.

If you are looking for a natural alternative for sore, dry, or cracked lips, use honey.

There are certain situations when honey isn’t an appropriate product to use, such as if you are allergic to it, or if you have braces (because sweet, sticky products can be detrimental to orthodontic products).

If not then you can find an alternative.

Of course, if you have an allergy you should completely avoid honey, but in other situations, such as with braces, you can purchase a lipbalm with honey in it.

(see our lipbalms being peppermint and orange made by mr bees manuka).

Organic honey e.g Manuka is the best choice for your lips because it is completely natural, which gives it the best soothing properties.

There is no added sugar because organic honey contains a natural sweetener called a hygroscopic sweetener.

Its antibacterial properties will heal sore lips and protect them from further damage.

Can I Apply Honey On Lips Daily?

It is best to incorporate honey into your daily skincare routine in order to see the best results.

You don’t have to change anything that you do regularly because it takes no time at all to apply some honey to your lips.

The best times to apply honey are in the morning after waking up and then before you go to bed.

This will give the product plenty of time to work its magic, and it will be more convenient for you to apply it with the rest of your daily products.

Applying it twice a day should take a combined maximum of 10 minutes and you’ll definitely reap the rewards.

During winter, you may want to apply honey more often to combat the harsh winds and temperatures that dry out the sensitive skin of your lips.

If you will be spending lots of time outside then bring a little honey with you to act like lip balm.

Just make sure that you transfer some to a smaller pot for you convenience.

If you suffer with dryness beyond your lips then you can make a full mask out of honey and apply it to your face and lips.

This will moisturize your entire face and keep all of the skin soft and luscious. Applying a face mask is also a great way to relax.

Get used to applying honey daily because it is the easiest way to keep your lips in great condition.

The simplicity of the natural remedy also means that you won’t need to experiment with different products or brands, and you won’t be caught out by other ingredients either.

And applying honey daily will prove to be the tastiest lip formula you’ve ever tried!

Does Applying Honey Make My Lips Pink?

Your lips will look pinker after applying honey. This is because it hydrates and moisturizes them, so your lips will be pink, soft, and healthy.

You can’t make your lips permanently pinker than they already are, but using honey regularly will help retain that healthy pink glow!

The reason for pink lips after applying honey is antioxidants it contains. These, as well as the magnesium in honey, stop your lips from becoming discolored.

Dried out lips will also look scabby, so you need to keep using honey to make them pink and restore color.

If you are someone who doesn’t like to wear lipstick or lip gloss then having naturally pinker lips will inject some color into your face.

You’ll have a smooth and elegant look that won’t get dry like lipstick often does.

Putting a tiny dab of honey on your lips will give them an immediate glossy look.

Honey will not turn your lips dark pink (which would be a cause for concern!), but it will give them a soft pink glow.

Honey is not a product that artificially changes your appearance. It just helps to maximize the natural loveliness of your lips.

Can I Apply Honey On My Lips Overnight?

If using honey regularly throughout the day is a hassle, you can choose to apply honey overnight.

Simply put a small amount on your lips, dab it in a little, and then go to sleep.

Your lips will feel softer and smoother when you wake up.

And if you are someone who tosses and turns a lot through the night, you can still apply honey.

Tie your hair back and put a soft towel over your pillow so that if you do smear the honey in your sleep, nothing gets sticky or stained.

The honey should be absorbed overnight too, so your lips will be left with a smooth shine in the morning.

If you do feel any slight residue when you wake up, dab a bit of warm water on your lips and then pat them gently with a towel.

What Are The Benefits Of Leaving Honey On Your Lips Overnight?

Honey is the best natural remedy to use if you want your lips to look pinker.

Lots of people suffer with dark or discolored lips, so applying honey overnight, every night will have them blushing a beautiful pink.

It will have longer to work its magic because you won’t be using your lips in your sleep.

Applying honey overnight is also a lot more convenient for most people.

If you like to keep your skincare routine short because you’re busy then you may not have an extra 10 minutes a day to spare for honey application.

Leaving it on overnight will give it time to treat your lips without disrupting your day-to-day life.

Using honey overnight will also keep your lips lubricated and hydrated.

It is easy for them to get dehydrated in your sleep because you’ll produce less saliva and your lips won’t move much.

Honey creates a barrier to stop them drying out overnight.

Drinking some water when you wake up after using honey overnight is an excellent way to give them an extra little boost of hydration.

The feeling of cool water on your lips will also feel better when they are soft. Do not apply anything else to your lips after that, except lipstick.

Is Honey Good For Chapped Lips?

Chapped lips don’t feel as sore as dry, cracked lips, but you don’t want your chapped lips to be damaged further! Applying honey will help this problem.

You don’t want a harsh product because that will make your chapped lips more painful, so honey is the perfect solution.

The natural mild exfoliating properties of honey will help with the damaged skin that comes with chapped lips.

It will remove dry and dead skin, which will clear up the chapped appearance.

Softer lips are smoother lips, and smoother lips are not chapped at all.

Chapped lips are more common in the winter months, or if you bite your lips a lot.

If biting your lips is one of your bad habits then using honey will act as a reminder for you to stop because when you go to bite, you’ll taste honey and remember that you are trying to make them softer.

Effectively, applying honey will train you to stop biting your lips.

If your lips simply become chapped because of cold weather then you should apply it more often.

Using it just before you go out will provide your lips with a protective layer against harsh conditions.

When you get back inside, apply a little more honey to prevent the sudden warmth from irritating your lips.

Pinker lips as a result of honey application will prove more averse to chapping.

If your lips are already discolored then chapping will be more obvious, but it won’t be as noticeable with pinker, healthier lips.

How Do You Apply Honey On Your Lips?

Honey is a very gentle product, so it is easy to apply. You can use your fingers, or a cotton bud or pad to apply honey to your lips.

Simply put a little dab of honey onto your finger or cotton bud and then dab it onto your lips.

You don’t want to apply too much, otherwise, it will get very sticky.

You should also try to keep your hair away from your face so that it doesn’t get stuck to your lips. Try to avoid dripping honey on your clothes too because it will create a mark on the fabric.

Some people like to create a small mixture of honey and another product to apply to lips. One great mixture is a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of sugar.

You can apply this homemade product throughout the day because you’ll have plenty of mixture left over.

After applying honey, make sure you rinse it off. Wait for 3-5 minutes and then gently rinse and pat your lips dry. As honey is a gentle product, you don’t want to be rough when removing it.

Once they are dry, you can enjoy the feel of your rejuvenated lips.

If you are looking for a natural lip balm we carry three different types using Manuka honey :

Kreme Plus ( natural lip balm and skin conditioner )

Peppermint Bliss ( peppermint lip balm)

Orange Tang ( orange lip balm )

All are made in Australia

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